blue and white boat on body of water
Emotions, Trauma

Grief: Making Space for Feeling

This past year and a half has been so, so much. For most of us, it has been a traumatizing time. Filled with fear, pain, and grief. Especially since you may have lived through experiences you never imagined possible. Perhaps you lost someone, or even someones, unexpectedly and without saying goodbye. People you love dearly… Continue reading Grief: Making Space for Feeling

Self Relationship

Loving Ourselves Through Our Mistakes

Dear all, This last full moon brought forward many things I did not want to see within myself and others. Things that caused hurt, pain, and loss. Things that arose from unhealed places. Things I would much rather deny, minimize, or move away from. Things that held the key to a new place of growth… Continue reading Loving Ourselves Through Our Mistakes